Effective leadership usually falls somewhere in a spectrum between the influence leader and the accountability leader. The influence leader is one who will convince people to march with them. They excerpt control by getting people to do it with...
While we like to be everywhere good news is happening, we’re only human. That’s why we rely on you to help us spread it! From feel-good stories about kids getting Christmas wishes to expert opinions on the things happening in your community, GreatNews.Life has been helping amplify voices in the community since the very beginning.
Earn your leadership every day
Leadership will pull you in a thousand different directions. It’s not like when you become a director or a vice president or a chief something that you suddenly have creative domain over everything you are responsible for. It doesn’t work that...
Leaders should listen
Leaders need to constantly listen. That’s kind of funny when you think about it, too. A lot of people raise to leadership by stepping out in front, by volunteering, by showcasing they are the right person to do something – very few find a...
Five traits of effective leaders
I’ve found five core things that determine if a leader will be successful long-term. I hope I demonstrate all five, the fact that I’m always working on it and never self-assured I’ve arrived is probably a good thing....
Getting comfortable with the uncomfortable
Healthcare, as well as IT, has been in an always-changing state for a long time – making my life (as the head of IT in a health system) always interesting and never settled. I would argue that these days the world is changing rapidly, not...
Make It a Great Day, for Yourself and Others
I had this guy I used to work with probably a decade or so ago who used to say “make it a great day” all the time. It was even in the closing of his emails; it was something he did with great intention. I was curious about it, so I made...
The importance of having mentors throughout your lifetime – not just as a young adult
I was in my early-to-mid 30’s when I was trusted with the top spot for IT in my former employer, a healthcare system, and I was 38 when I was named vice president for my current health system. I worked hard...
Understanding different ways of communication
Poor communication is a killer no matter what the situation is. My in-laws are from South Africa. In South Africa, they have many different native languages, one of which is Afrikaans. On my first visit, I saw my mother-in-law address her children...
Respond, react, and behave with intention
Before I say anything about this, please understand that in any cases of a veteran of a foreign war, my first reaction is a depth of respect which is immeasurable. We owe these men and women our lives and should forever consider what they have...
Lifer Forever
I started at GreatNews.life in June. I was stepping back into a full-time job after a previous experience in an abusive workplace. Going into work my first week, (I was asked to come in the middle of the week) I was initially very nervous in terms of...