Getting your message across is one of the core needs of leadership and ratchets up every level you grow through. Your organization needs you to be confident and competent. Your own future demands it as well. As a leader, getting a plan or proposal...
While we like to be everywhere good news is happening, we’re only human. That’s why we rely on you to help us spread it! From feel-good stories about kids getting Christmas wishes to expert opinions on the things happening in your community, GreatNews.Life has been helping amplify voices in the community since the very beginning.
Words matter
Speaking with a mindset of abundance and self-validation is so much better than limiting yourself. I’ve been talking to my cousin about something he’s coaching others on, and it’s very insightful stuff. I’m not doing his coaching...
I Smell Smoke
It was around midnight when my wife shook me out of a dead sleep with three concerning words, “I smell smoke.” I could smell it instantly. Awake. We moved downstairs quickly and quietly to not wake the children and began checking rooms starting...
Perception vs Reality
Understanding one another is probably the biggest problem in business, but it’s a life issue as well. In the late ‘90s, I was interning at Walt Disney World. If your kids ever get a chance, don’t let them pass it up. It wasn’t easy, not...
Freedom to fix it
Today I needed to cut down a few small to medium size trees near the playground of my son’s school. I promised someone at the school I’d bring a chainsaw and take care of it. The chainsaw wouldn’t start. I did everything I could to get it going...
Very recently I had one of those days. You know those days. Someone had an immediate and urgent need that picked at the goals of the day. At the end of the day I made a silly mistake any good IT person would get frustrated by, even though...
Understanding Bullies
I’ve been helping a former colleague with a problem and it’s had me thinking about my oldest son. So, Silvia (what we’ll choose to call her) is dealing with a workplace bully. Silvia has told me many stories about the bully, the wrongs...
Leading During Crisis
There’s a phrase you’ll run into sometimes: “things happen." I believe the phrase doesn’t start with, “things," but whatever the phrase usually starts with…you get my meaning. So, what do you do when “things” happen and you have...
Leadership Column: Connection to Purpose
When I was in my early teens I went to the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago with my Uncle Oz (Oscar Lubke). As a former NFL player and All-American in college he stood at 6’4” tall with very broad shoulders, he was an executive for...
Not Good Enough
I see a lot of things on my daily drive to and from Warsaw. I've been pushed off the road by semis, I've seen accidents, I've hit a deer, at one point my sister-in-law and I saw a man with an aluminum foil hat... it's been a journey. This morning...