What's recently happened? In February, the Washington High School (WHS) Medical Magnet program collaborated with Indiana University of South Bend (IUSB) and Gear Up South Bend, a grant program intended to prepare students for college and...
Student Voices
In 2014, GreatNews.Life established the Student Voices internship program (formerly #1StudentNWI), allowing high school students to share an insider’s view of everything happening at the high schools on a monthly basis. The GreatNews.Life staff not only edits and publishes their work but also sends feedback to the students to help them grow as journalists.
#1StudentNWI: John Adams brings back the Snow Ball
What’s recently happened? On February 4, John Adams High School’s 2023 National Honor Society (NHS) chapter passed on its legacy to the 2024 chapter. The induction ceremony commenced with introductions by Cecilia Stanton-Verduzco, leader and...
#1StudentNWI: Washington winter sports are coming to an end
What's recently happened? Washington High School (WHS) recently hosted a recognition to honor a former coach who is to be inducted into the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame this April. On January 11, the ceremony was held in the Great Western...
GreatNews.Life: John Adam’s Eagles soar into the second semester
What’s recently happened? On January 8, the second semester started for the Eagles at John Adams High School, which for seniors, marks their final semester before graduation in June. There have been a lot of preparations in order to make sure all...
#1StudentNWI: Winter wonderland at Clay High School
What’s recently happened? January 8 was the first day of Clay High School’s (Clay) final semester. Many students and staff were emotional, talking about how the school year has flown by. Students have been anxiously discussing their plans for the...
#1StudentNWI: Seasons of service at Clay High School
What’s recently happened? Clay High School’s Season of Service has come to an end, with the student council raising over $1,300 for food to benefit the less fortunate members of the community. During the month of December, members of the Clay...
#1StudentNWI: RHS Mock Trial Sparks mass involvement
What’s recently happened? Within the past month, the Riley High School (RHS) Mock Trial Program has put together a team of young and educated students who wish to see and be a part of the competitive side of law. This program gives a real-life feel...
#1StudentNWI: Dedication through adversity at Penn High School
What’s recently happened? On Saturday, November 25, the Penn High School Kingsmen Boys Varsity Basketball team made its debut game against Carroll High School. The Kingsmen gave Coach Barak Coolman his first win as the head coach. The game...
#1StudentNWI: Happy ‘Thanksgivia’ from John Adams!
What’s recently happened? On November 8, John Adams High School hosted an informational International Baccalaureate (IB) night to welcome incoming freshmen and show them around the high school. The night included walking tours by juniors and...
#1StudentNWI: An outstanding October at John Adams High School
What’s recently happened? John Adams High School’s unified football team has had a lot of incredible feats this season, including its first win on September 28, with a score of 27-25. Shortly after its first win, the team began to advance further...