I am not much of a writer, but I wanted to step out of my comfort zone a little bit and give it a go. Since I have only been here for a little over 4 months now, the thing that has impacted me the most in that time is the people I work with. With...
Cancer Survivor Series: Molly Bernotus
Embracing imperfection as a leader
Leadership can be challenging. Responsibilities can take you away from your true north. Changes happen which can make you feel like a fish out of water. Failure happens and you have to determine what to do with that. Sometimes...
Cancer Survivor Series: Kelley Weisenbacher
Once she got it back, Kelley Weisenbacher decided to use her voice to compel people to actively attend to their physical health through regular checkups with a doctor. After being diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2017, Weisenbacher realized how...
Overcoming obstacles: watch, learn, adjust
The fun part of business is that rarely do you find someone who comes to work with ill intent or a work process that was put in place to cause problems. The intention is almost always to do good, it’s just that sometimes the “how” isn’t the...
Cancer Survivor Series: Marsha Smith
As a nurse at Methodist Hospitals, Marsha Smith encounters illness and disease on a regular basis. This in no way prepared her for her own breast cancer diagnosis. Smith discovered a lump in her breast while she was taking a shower. Initially, she...
Pitfalls of Pride (how to be humble and not let the title get to your head)
On my desk, at the corporate office for the health system I work for as well as in my office at home, I have a small scrap of paper taped down. All it says is ‘pride,’ with a circle around it and a line through it. Like ghostbusters, I...
Cancer Survivor Series: Rosanne “Ro” Loughmiller
A Spotlight on Northwest Indiana Businesswomen
Over the years, we have celebrated and featured many people through our Life in the Spotlight series. With over 1,000 spotlights shared, it can be easy to miss a few here or there. As such, we want to bring a few special ones back to the forefront,...
Indiana ranks as the top state in the nation for adoption
Gov. Eric Holcomb and U.S. Administration for Children and Families Assistant Secretary Lynn Johnson recently announced Indiana is the top state in the nation for increasing the number of children adopted from foster...