Being diagnosed with any type of cancer is a heartbreaking and daunting thing to hear. However, in most cases, one of the most crucial pieces to a complete recovery is catching the cancer early and beginning treatment as soon as possible. Jeremy...
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Cancer Survivor Series: Jeremy Sobecki
Cancer Survivor Series: Haven James
Seeing a child go through sickness is heartbreaking. Unfortunately, this is a long-term situation for families of children with cancer. Laura Stevenson-James has been in this situation with her daughter, Haven James, for two years now. On April 2,...
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Getting diagnosed with cancer can be very traumatizing, especially for a child. However, some patients have to face this news before they are even old enough to understand their diagnosis. Brittany Fair was diagnosed with pilomyxoid astrocytoma (PMA)...
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Ashley Fisher has had a long family history of breast cancer, so the possibility of being diagnosed was something she came to expect. She has been very diligent about going to the doctor’s office to get mammograms and ultrasounds ever since she was...
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