Home»Video Library»Media Roundtable with Michael Puente and Jerry Davich: Changes in the New Media Landscape

Media Roundtable with Michael Puente and Jerry Davich: Changes in the New Media Landscape

Changes in the media landscape are not only happening across the national level - but the local level as well. With the changes in print, to journalists moving into different mediums of journalism there's a big change that has happened across all forms of media. We recently sat down with columnist Jerry Davich and journalist Michael Puente to talk about how they have adapted to the changes, and why it's better to be involved in different types of media than just one.

To read more about our Media Roundtable, visit our comprehensive recap of the entire conversation: http://www.nwindianalife.com/business/technology-tools/57013-good-news-video-davich-puente-join-mahlmann-at-ideas-in-motion-media-roundtable