GIRLS BASKETBALL Elkhart Holiday Tournament 2025

Varsity: Elkhart HS crowned 2025 Elkhart Holiday Tourney champions
JV: South Bend Adams HS crowned 2025 Elkhart Holiday Tourney champions.
“Well, the reason we like this tournament format is because our JV players and our varsity players get two games in one day. There’s no break in the action, so we respect family time over the holidays and it’s just good rivalries between NIC (Northern Indiana Conference) schools but it doens’t go towards any NIC recoreds. So everything’s nice and close and it’s a very efficient way for all these kids to get some good competition heading into the second half of their seasons.” -Larry Kissinger- Elkhart HS Scheduling coordinator
“So today, I think we did really good, like rebounding and all that, and we really got it out to the corners. My expectations for this season is really just to ball out, just get as many game wins as we can, and just continue on with the season.” -Talina Riley- SB Adams. “Our expectations for the game was to be in control of the ball, he (Coaches) wanted us to pop, jump on two feet, and get up strong. Have counter moves, penetrate, use our team and teammates, trust in them and just look for open players. Just work together as a team and just be stronger with preparation for sectionals. We have less than a month to just wantus to just work together, be stronger as a team, and grow together.” -Danica Barnes- Elkhart HS