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Meet the newest LIFER: Sales & Partnership Coordinator Shelby Prouty

Meet the newest LIFER: Sales & Partnership Coordinator Shelby Prouty

The team at GreatNews.Life (GNL) is always looking to expand with the help of people who live and breathe good news. As the all-positive digital news network began its growth into the Michiana region, it became clear that the LIFERs needed someone enthusiastic, charismatic, and dedicated to the mission to succeed. Sales & Partnership Coordinator Shelby Prouty perfectly fit the bill.

Prouty joined the GNL team in September of 2023 as an admin assistant. While she didn’t have any sales experience – her diverse résumé covering recruitment, childcare, and administrative duties, but not sales – GNL Executive Director Jenny Craig-Brown recognized Prouty’s potential and nurtured it.

“Although I'd been told a lot throughout the years that sales was something I would be good at, I'd never actually had a sales position,” Prouty said. “I actually applied for an admin assistant role at GNL, but within a couple of weeks, I was helping with sales. It was something that I enjoyed doing and that I was good at.”

A year in, Prouty has become an integral part of GNL’s Partner team. She assists Craig-Brown and Partnership & Office Coordinator Kami Tupiak daily in maintaining GNL’s current partners as well as developing new community relationships. This can involve everything from attending community events to scouting the neighborhood for organizations that are doing good to helping connect people through GNL’s events like All About the Girls.

“Shelby plays an invaluable role on our sales team at GreatNews.Life. Her dedication and passion for connecting with our partners helps to drive our mission forward every day. Her contributions ensure that our partners feel supported and heard and that the community knows how to engage with us. Both of these are crucial to maintaining the strong relationships that set us apart from the rest,” Craig-Brown said.

Part of Prouty’s success comes from her previous experience in roles that require plenty of communication. It’s helped her to connect with people from all walks of life.

“In child care and this position, you meet a lot of different types of people,” she said. “Everyone is different. I’ve learned how to listen to each person, discover their needs, and then help them. If I can’t help them myself, I can probably get them in touch with someone who can.”

With her can-do attitude, interpersonal skills, and deep knowledge of GNL’s capabilities, Prouty plans to continue helping cement the news network’s roots in the Region while Craig-Brown looks to Michiana.

“I want to be the Jenny Craig-Brown of Lake and Porter Counties,” Prouty said. “I want to be that person for our partners in the Region, to really own the sales department in those two counties.”

Craig-Brown and all of GNL are excited to continue watching Prouty grow as a sales leader. There are no doubts that she will achieve her goal.

“I'm incredibly excited to see Shelby truly own her role as I start to spend more time in our eastern coverage area. Her leadership and initiative are exactly what we need to continue growing and thriving and our partners love working with her. She is a big part of our recent growth and the growth to come!” Craig-Brown said.

Interested in working with Prouty and the GreatNews.Life team? Reach out to share@greatnews.life with information about your business to connect!