What’s recently happened?
January 8 was the first day of Clay High School’s (Clay) final semester. Many students and staff were emotional, talking about how the school year has flown by. Students have been anxiously discussing their plans for the upcoming school year and what school they plan on attending following Clay’s closure.

Many are torn – they do not want to leave their beloved school. Staff have additionally been contemplating their plans for next year, as they have been rushing to find other places of employment. However, both students and staff have high hopes for this semester.
Clay’s Student Council has been working with the Student Leadership Team to organize many events for students to enjoy. In the final months of Clay, the school is working to end the year in a bang of celebrations.
What’s coming up?
On February 2, Clay will host its Winter Homecoming game and its Winter Formal: “A Night in Paris.” Students and staff are making plans on going to the Homecoming game and choosing what to wear for the formal.

Recently, the Homecoming Court was selected, and now students have to decide on who to vote for. Students on the Court will be hard at work campaigning, each member aching to win the title of Homecoming Royalty.
During the week of Homecoming, spirit week will take place. Students have a variety of themes chosen by their Student Council. These activities get students involved and hyped for the Homecoming game.
On Monday, upperclassmen will dress in all black and underclassmen will dress in all white. On Tuesday, students will dress their best and wear their fanciest outfit. On Wednesday, students will wear their wackiest outfit. On Thursday, students will dress as a career they wish to have in the future.
Students will show their school spirit at the pep rally before the game. Following the Homecoming Court being introduced, students will have the opportunity to play musical chairs or participate in a student versus staff basketball game. The losing team of the game will be punished with a pie to the face.
After the Homecoming game, Clay will host the “A Night in Paris” Winter Formal on February 3 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Tickets are priced at $5 and will be sold up until February 2 in Room 118. Students, specifically underclassmen, are excited for this dance.
Staff spotlight:
Tracy Zahl is the Special Education Supervisor and Curriculum Specialist at Clay. Zahl has worked for South Bend Community Schools for 10 years. In previous years, she taught math and reading to her life skills classes. Now, Zahl plays a role in developing and implementing curriculum for special education classes.

“I try to be the best teacher possible. I am a passionate educator. I am committed to promoting the development of the whole child in all facets of life; and overall helping my students be the best they can be,” Zahl said.
Zahl is the junior class sponsor for the Student Council. She thoroughly enjoys working with the students involved and planning events such as Homecoming and prom.
“I love being involved with my school,” Zahl said. “Seeing the successful outcomes after the hard work we display is always so satisfying. I have a blast being a part of the student council, and I love seeing the students take leadership among their peers by planning special events.”
Student spotlight:
Ross Smith is a senior at Clay. He is a part of the Art Magnet program and has taken classes such as Introduction to 2D Art, Introduction to 3D Art, Painting, Drawing, AP Art Studio, Ceramics, Sculpture, and Photography.

Smith specializes in drawing, ceramics, and photography. He has been interested in art since he was young and has always had a passion for it. Throughout Smith’s academic career, his teachers and peers have requested drawings or art pieces to be made.
“I have always loved art. When the time came in eighth grade to pick your high school, I immediately knew Clay was going to be my top choice. Clay offered so many art classes, so many amazing opportunities. I have thrived in my four years here, and I have matured not only as a student but as an individual,” Smith said.
Smith enjoys attending Clay. He has taken multiple dual credit classes, such as AP Language and Composition and AP United States History. Upon starting his high school career, Smith was determined to excel and collect as many credits as possible.
“I attended an advanced middle school that challenged me, and I wanted that challenge to continue throughout my school career. I have enjoyed most of my classes at Clay. Not only are they super fun but my peers and teachers are amazing,” Smith said.