What’s recently happened?
On November 8, John Adams High School hosted an informational International Baccalaureate (IB) night to welcome incoming freshmen and show them around the high school. The night included walking tours by juniors and seniors who are involved in IB classes, a panel of students to answer questions, and introductions with specific teachers who are heavily involved with IB.

The night allowed for prospective students to get a feel for the size of Adams as well as understand the classes they may experience during their upperclassmen years. Tables with clubs also filled the main hallway, showing students everything they could possibly partake in, such as Spanish Club or Eagles Going Green (EGG).
Questions asked were met with genuine and real answers, helping to put incoming students at ease. It also allowed for families to see the vulnerability and care both staff and students put into their learning at Adams.
“The involvement of IB students was a great addition to the magnet night. I feel that it was very important for incoming students to learn about opportunities, meet some new faces, and feel more comfortable at Adams,” said Lucy O’Brien, a partial IB senior.
What’s coming up?
As November comes to an end, Thanksgiving break is quickly approaching. With that, students are beginning to prepare for the end of the first semester. Thanksgiving break begins on November 22, and school will start up again on November 27.

One tradition that select upperclassmen look forward to is “Thanksgivia,” which is Thanksgiving-themed trivia, as one can probably guess, and it takes place on the last day before Thanksgiving break. However, only select teachers host “Thanksgivia,” including Jacob Timmons (biology), Cecilia Stanton-Verduzco (Spanish), and Jim Bartholomew (math). Lucky students who are in more than one of these classes are able to participate in the game as many times as they are in each class.

The game is full of excitement and suspense as teams work together to gather the most points in hopes of winning the coveted prize of a candy bag and a free homework pass.
“‘Thanksgivia’ is an opportunity to interact with other students, compete to get a bump to your grade, and not have to worry about the stress of class for a day,” said IB Senior Daniella Morales-Garibay.
With almost less than a month left in the first semester, Adams’ students are buckling down and studying hard in preparation for their upcoming finals.
Staff spotlight:
Stacee Gehring grew up in Logansport, Indiana, but her family moved to another town while she attended Ball State University. As an adult, Gehring has lived in three different states, including all over Indiana, and in two different countries. Currently, Gehring and her family have decided to stay in South Bend so her daughters could continue their education within the same school system.

Gehring attended Logansport High School, where some of her favorite memories include Speech and Debate meets. After high school, Gehring continued her education at Ball State University, where she earned her bachelor’s degree in natural resources and environmental management. From there, Gehring continued her graduate studies at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, where she earned her master’s in divinity.
“My warmest memories of both my college experiences are of the many unique adventures I had the privilege of experiencing – backpacking by myself around Europe, winning a talent show at Ball State, and getting into all the museums and even NFL games for free whilst at Emory University,” Gehring said.
Gehring is the IB coordinator at Adams. With the developed approach to learning, IB has always fascinated Gehring, and she hopes to see her daughters through the program. This led to continued interest on Gehring’s part, and when a position opened at Adams, she was drawn to the prospect of leading the IB program and being a part of the local public school corporation.
“My favorite aspects of my job as IB coordinator are building relationships with the Adams families and journeying alongside students as they work to achieve their academic goals,” said Gehring.
Through her time as the IB coordinator, the community at Adams has been welcoming, and she continues to make connections with new students. Gehring is able to notice that everyday at Adams; she sees an aspect that brings her hope for the future.
“I grew up in a house of public educators, so I have deep appreciation for and interest in the success of public education,” Gehring said.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was difficult for Gehring and her family to enter the bustling community, but they have slowly started expanding and seeing all that South Bend has to offer. Some favorite discoveries include Howard Park and the River Walk bike trail.
Student spotlight:
Nathan Bermudez is a very active member in the community at Adams. Bermudez is a full IB student. He also manages to juggle a job as a barista at a local cafe in South Bend as well as stay involved in many different clubs, including EGG and student government as the Class of 2024 treasurer.

“Being in student government has been an amazing experience. Grace Jozwiak is the Senior Student Government advisor, and working with her has been incredible. I have learned how to collaborate and problem solve,” Bermudez said. “One of my favorite experiences this year has been Homecoming. The theme was ‘Toys,’ and the seniors had Barbie. Our hallway was decorated with Barbie-themed decorations and covered in pink. I love working with my fellow officers for the shared goal of planning events for the Class of 2024.”
Having to keep up with the full IB coursework is definitely a challenge, but Bermudez has continued to enjoy his high school experience at Adams and often notices how rewarding it is to see his hard work pay off. Being in IB has also taught Bermudez the importance of a work ethic, time management, and asking questions.
“I have had to learn how to creatively problem solve, as my parents did not finish high school and could not help me with my challenging coursework,” said Bermudez.
While Bermudez is staying busy his senior year, one of his main goals is prioritizing hanging out with friends at social events, such as attending football games as well as helping to plan and attend his senior prom.
As his time at Adams is coming to a close, Bermudez reminisces about his high school experience as he participated in giving tours to incoming freshmen on November 8. While his class was unable to experience a normal freshman year in the building due to COVID-19, Bermudez was excited that he was able to answer and soothe the fears of the eighth graders, helping them to get ready for their high school experience.
“If I had to say something to incoming freshmen or underclassmen, it would be to never waste a moment. Stay involved, make friends. invite people to sit at your table – it will definitely be worth it in the long run,” said Bermudez.
Looking towards the future, Bermudez plans to major in political science. From there, he plans to follow law and dedicate his life to the service of others in hopes to become an immigration attorney.