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Mishawaka High School Theatre Brings Enchantment with Rodgers & Hammerstein’s “Cinderella”

Mishawaka High School Theatre Brings Enchantment with Rodgers & Hammerstein’s “Cinderella”

Mishawaka High School’s Theatre is set to transport audiences to a world of dreams and wonder with an upcoming production of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s enchanting musical, “Cinderella.” Performances will occur at 7 p.m. on March 14-15, and a matinee at 2 p.m. on March 16.

"I would say my favorite thing about the experience has been bonding with all of the cast members and crew," said Junior Anna Yoder, who plays Gabrielle. "I love this talented cast and I am so grateful to be a part of it."

Mishawaka High School Presents Spring Musical 2025

Mishawaka High School Presents Spring Musical 2025 57 Photos
Mishawaka High School Presents Spring Musical 2025Mishawaka High School Presents Spring Musical 2025Mishawaka High School Presents Spring Musical 2025Mishawaka High School Presents Spring Musical 2025

“Cinderella” is a beloved musical featuring the timeless music of Richard Rodgers and the lyrical composition of Oscar Hammerstein II. Blending humor and romance with a hint of contemporary social awareness, the production offers a fresh and vibrant interpretation of the famous Cinderella story. The musical boasts a stunning, colorful score featuring songs like, “In My Own Little Corner,” “Impossible/It’s Possible,” and “Ten Minutes Ago.”

“One of my favorite things about the show is both the waltzing and the songs we get to sing,” said Junior Corin Shepley, who plays Prince Topher. “I am really excited for that little moment of freedom to just sing.” 

This version of "Cinderella" expands on the traditional story, incorporating a subplot with social justice themes, as one stepsister forms a friendship with a revolutionary. Audiences can expect to witness the actors' portrayal of complex emotions, strong vocal performances, dazzling costumes and impressive set designs.

"My favorite part has been the connection I have made with everybody in this show," said Sophomore Allie VanNevel, who plays Cinderella. "I have made good friends that I feel will last for a lifetime. I love playing this role because it pushes me to my limits and helps me grow as a person."

The production promises an evening of enchantment as it explores themes of kindness, forgiveness and the power of dreams. The camaraderie fostered by the actors and stage crew has created a joyful and fulfilling experience for everyone involved. 

"It was inspiring to see everyone put so much effort into the show and seeing it all come together," said Sophomore Soelle Ortiz, who plays Fairy Godmother Marie. "The musical is super entertaining for any audience."

Mishawaka High School’s journey to bringing “Cinderella” to the stage serves as a testament to the shared effort and personal growth of the cast.

 "This is only my third show and I think the atmosphere is worth mentioning," said Freshman Madelynn Erickson, who plays the transformed fox. "Everybody is so uplifting and I always feel like I can be myself without putting on a face."

All are welcome to witness a magical evening. The performances will be held in the Mishawaka High School auditorium. Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for youth. At the door, cash is preferred. Tickets are also available for purchase online at www.vancoevents.com/us/CXTQ

"I am excited to end my career here with Cinderella," said Senior Trey Newcomer, who plays Lord Pinkleton. For more information on Mishawaka High School Theatre’s musical and other upcoming shows, visit: mhs.mishawakaschools.com/finearts/theatre.