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Comcast’s Xfinity Communities sponsors Bisnow Multifamily Annual Conference

Comcast’s Xfinity Communities sponsors Bisnow Multifamily Annual Conference

Last month, Comcast’s Xfinity Communities had a unique opportunity to connect technology with real estate through a presenting sponsorship at the Bisnow Multifamily Annual Conference Midwest in Chicago, Ill.

Bisnow, a media company designed to bring connections and opportunities to the real estate community, currently hosts over 340 events annually, including multifamily conferences at various locations across the United States. These conferences in particular are full-day events that take an in-depth look at the multifamily market while analyzing trends in the industry. Featuring speakers who are top professionals in the industry, the conference examines various fields within the market, such as residential development, investment and financing, affordable housing, tenant desires, and much more.

Bisnow hosts such events as networking and learning opportunities for those higher up on the industry ladder to share their research and findings with those looking to gain more insight about the topic at hand. Xfinity Communities sponsored this year’s conference because the company wants to partner with developers and planners to create exciting, sustainable communities across the Region.  

“Xfinity Communities was proud to sponsor the Bisnow Multifamily Annual Conference Midwest,” said Javier Jugo, Regional Director of Community Account Sales for Xfinity Communities. “As the new leader of Xfinity Communities here in the Region, I was especially interested in the tone and outlook of the attendees. The general message was that things are stable in the Midwest, particularly in Chicago, and that the market is resilient.” 

Jugo noted a few key takeaway points from the conference like renting versus buying a home and how technology plays a factor in such a decision.

“High rents are causing rent fatigue, pushing potential first-time buyers to explore purchasing homes. The lines between luxury condos and luxury rentals are blurring, and professionally managed amenities are growing in importance. In-unit workspace is in high demand, and the demand for electric vehicle parking is growing as well,” Jugo said. “My team and I hear this in our discussions with developers and property managers all the time. Technology is at the root of a lot of the amenities residents see as important, and they recognize that state-of-the-art connectivity makes them possible.”

Comcast was able to further explore initiatives  the company is passionate to advocate for, such as figuring out ways to bring more digital opportunities to schools and workplaces throughout Chicagoland and Northwest Indiana.

“The importance of investing in affordable housing with projects such as INVEST South/West was discussed,” Jugo said. “This issue is near and dear to Comcast as well. We’ve been working on closing the digital divide for over a decade and have connected more than 650,000 Indiana residents and 1.9 million Illinoisans to the Internet at home via our Internet Essentials program since it launched in 2011. We recognize how important stable housing, broadband internet connectivity, and digital skills are to the ability to succeed in school and in the workplace and to the economic viability of the Region.”

Jugo noted, however, that one of the most important outcomes of this conference was the opportunity to meet and network in person with those who had first-hand experience in the field. Having these conversations is the first step to expanding upon ideas that can greatly increase the quality of life for all involved, and the conference allowed Comcast and others a space to get these discussions started.

“Coming together to talk about the market and trends and providing our unique perspectives is going to help us build communities that spur economic growth and enhance the quality of life here in Chicago and the Region,” he said. “That’s why we sponsored this conference. Given the central role connectivity and technology play in all this, we want to be a convener and a catalyst.”

Overall, the conference allowed for some great learning opportunities to allow Comcast to continue building upon the quality services it offers to better serve the communities the company cares deeply about. 

“As a lifelong Chicagoan—and given all our challenges as a city and how much I love it here—it was personally and professionally uplifting to hear this. This is the group that’s going to build the city of the future, and I truly believe we’re up for the challenge,” Jugo said. 

For more information on Xfinity Communities, visit its website.